
In the 1552 Capture of Muscat, an Ottoman force consisted in 4 galleons, 25 galleys, and 850 troops attacked the city of Muscat. They captured the city and its fort. The recently built Fort Al-Mirani was besieged for 18 days with one piece of Ottoman artillery brought on top of a ridge. The fort was captured and its fortifications destroyed.


Forts and Castles We didnt include:

  1. Muttrah Fort
    • Built in the 16th Century
  2. Jabreen Castle
    • From the 17th century and altered in the 18th century
  3. Al Fiqayn Fort
  4. Quriyat Fort
    • Built in the 19th Century
  5. Sunaysilah Fort
    • 300 years old
  6. Bilad Sur Castle
    • 200 years old
  7. Al Ayjah Fort
  8. Al Hazm Castle
    • built at the beginning of the 18th century
  9. Rustaq Fort
    • From the 13th century
  10. Nakhal fort
    • Rebuilt in the 17th century